





Welcome to the Beluga Games Application Center! We are so glad that you’re applying. Before we start, make sure to answer all the questions with valid and honest information, this way, we’ll get to know you better and won’t run into any issues further on! Good luck!

What are you applying for?

Thanks for submitting an application! We will reach out to you regarding your application within the next 7 days via email or discord!

What is your name?

What is your Discord username?

What are your pronouns?

What position are you applying for?

How many years of experience do you have doing this?

What projects have you worked on in the past?

Add one or more link(s) to your previous work below

Do you work well with others?

Why do you want to work with us?

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Where did you hear about us?

Woohoo! You reached the end of the developer application. We are so glad you applied and we are looking forward to working with you! Please make sure you have answered all the questions honestly and valid. You may go back to make any edits to your responses. If you qualify for the position, we’ll reach out to you within 7 days. Thanks again!

What is your name?

What is your Discord username?

What are your pronouns?

Where do you upload your content?

How many followers/subscribers do you have?

What kind of content do you create?

Is your content appropriate for all users?

How many videos do you upload per week?

Where did you hear about us?

Awesome! You’ve reached the end of our partner application. Please make sure you have answered all the questions honestly and valid. You may go back to make any edits to your responses. If you qualify for the program, we’ll reach out to you within 7 days. Thanks again!